How can infant massage support the "If they could tell you" Campaign

In the realm of public health and societal well-being, few initiatives carry as much weight and significance as those targeting the earliest stages of human development. Recognizing the pivotal role of early childhood experiences in shaping lifelong health, well-being, and success, governments around the world are increasingly prioritizing interventions that support families during the critical early years of a child's life. With this in mind, The Department of Health and Social Care has launched a new government campaign, ‘If they could tell you’ as part of the Start for Life programme, that aims to support parents in nurturing their bond with their babies.

What is the ‘If they could tell you’ Campaign?

The ‘If they could tell you’ campaign is aimed at parents and caregivers providing them with the resources, guidance, and support needed to give their children the best possible start in life.

The campaign aims to “highlight that babies’ expressions, reactions, noises, and cries are the way they communicate their needs and feelings to parents which in some cases can be an indication of their mental wellbeing”. By helping parents and carers learn how to interpret their baby’s cues, they can improve how well parents can respond to and support their baby.

Early childhood development, particularly from birth to three years, sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, and health. It is a time of rapid development, and the experiences in early childhood shape brain development, ability to learn and form relationships, responses to stress and challenges and mood regulation. Secure relationships with parents and carers are a huge component of positively impacting a child’s development.

Minister for Public Health, Start for Life and Primary Care, Dame Andrea Leadsom said: 

“We are committed to giving every baby the best start in life, and promoting that vital secure attachment between babies and their parents in the 1,001 critical days from pregnancy to two years old is crucial for their future well-being.

Speaking with parents across the country, I’ve heard first-hand that they need more support around how to better build those connections. Parents can access a range of support and advice, in person via family hubs and on the Start for Life website.”

The campaign is also launching new guidance for frontline practitioners, aimed at helping them to start conversations with parents about building their relationship with their baby.

Key areas of the campaign

The ‘If they could tell you’ campaign is part of the larger ‘Start for Life’ campaign which focuses on some key areas:

  • Promoting Early Childhood Health: Central to the campaign is the promotion of early childhood health and well-being. This includes initiatives to encourage breastfeeding, support healthy nutrition practices, and provide access to essential healthcare services for infants and young children.

  • Supporting Parental Engagement: Recognizing the crucial role of parents and caregivers in shaping children's early experiences, the campaign offers support and resources to help parents understand the importance of early interactions, bonding, and responsive caregiving.

  • Encouraging Early Learning and Development: The campaign underscores the significance of early learning and cognitive development, advocating for activities and interventions that stimulate children's intellectual curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills from an early age.

  • Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities: A key aspect of the "Start for Life" campaign is its commitment to addressing socioeconomic disparities in early childhood outcomes. Efforts are made to ensure that all families, regardless of background or circumstances, have access to the support and resources they need to give their children a strong start in life.

Where does infant massage fit in?

Promoting secure attachment between a baby and their primary caregiver is one of the most effective ways of ensuring future mental, emotional and possibly physical resilience. One way to do this is to encourage parents to reciprocally interact with their baby. A simple and gentle intervention such as infant massage can be taught to all parents giving them a structured approach to interacting and responding to all the things their baby is telling them, albeit non-verbally! 

Not only does infant massage have significant physiological effects such as improving weight gain and reducing hyperbilirubinaemia but it can have a profound impact on bonding and parental confidence. The tactile nature of infant massage supports boding by increasing quality interactions and stimulating the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin in both parents and babies.

As many as one in five women develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the first year after birth and in England, the prevalence of maternal mental illness was found to be highest amongst those in the most deprived areas, with research showing the positive impact of infant massage classes on maternal mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, infant massage may also have a place in addressing health inequalities.

By training healthcare professionals who routinely see babies at the beginning of their lives we can ensure every parent and carer learns these skills, instead of our current system where it is mostly families with the financial means or access to classes that are currently benefiting.  

Infant massage is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological and entirely positive intervention which can be fundamental in building a strong and stable attachment and the basis of a beautiful lifelong relationship.   

What next?

We must continue to strive to create a society where every child has the opportunity to thrive from the very start of life by prioritizing investments in the early years to not only safeguard the well-being of our youngest citizens but also lay the groundwork for a brighter and more prosperous future for generations to come.

If you are a healthcare professional who wants to take our Infant Massage Instructor Course, you can find further details, register or apply for a scholarship on our website. If you are an organisation that wishes to purchase multiple courses, please contact us to arrange a group discount or enquire about our demo sessions.


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