Nurturing Bonds: The Power of Dyads and Infant Massage

A newborn infant is helpless and entirely reliant on their primary caregiver (most commonly their mother) for survival and this relationship is perhaps the most profound and essential in life. This sacred bond forms the foundation upon which the infant's journey into the world begins. Known as the mother-infant dyad, this relationship encapsulates the intertwining of two beings, forging a new entity that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Recent research by Sullivan et al. (2023) sheds light on the impact of nurturing the mother-infant dyad. When this relationship is nurtured and supported, infants experience many benefits that contribute to their overall well-being. These include improved parasympathetic functioning, advanced brain maturation, reduced cortisol concentrations, and diminished systemic inflammation. These findings underscore the mother-infant dyad's critical role in laying the groundwork for a healthy and thriving infant.

One powerful tool for strengthening the bonds within the mother-infant dyad is infant massage. This age-old practice has been recognised as a valuable means of enhancing bonding and attachment between parent and child. This is especially pertinent in the case of preterm infants, where the dyadic relationship can be compromised due to necessary medical intervention.

Infant massage is more than just a tactile experience; it is a form of mindful interaction that fosters respectful communication between parent and child. As an instructor, the role extends beyond the physical act of massage to facilitate a space where this exchange can unfold organically. As infant massage instructors we always encourage that it is not something done to the baby but rather with the baby, honouring their autonomy and agency from the earliest moments of life.

The significance of nonverbal interactions within the mother-infant dyad cannot be overstated. These reciprocal exchanges serve as the building blocks for the development of interconnected synchronicity between parent and child. As Schore (2021) highlights, these moments of intersubjectivity lay the groundwork for emotional attunement and relational harmony within the dyadic relationship.

In essence, nurturing the bonds within the mother-infant dyad is paramount for the holistic well-being of both parent and child. Through practices such as infant massage and mindful interaction, we honour the sacredness of this relationship, fostering a nurturing environment where love, connection, and growth can flourish.


Sullivan, A., Roubinov, D., Noroña-Zhou, A., & Bush, N. (2023). Do dyadic interventions impact biomarkers of child health? A state-of-the-science narrative review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 162, 106949.

Schore, A. (2021). The interpersonal neurobiology of intersubjectivity. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 648616.


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